And they're off !
| News, Starting gates

And they're off !

our starting gates are fair

TÉKIDÉ is the only European supplier of starting stalls. Designed and manufactured in-house, in the ÉKOFAB Group factory (of which TÉKIDÉ is a part), they are robust, easy to maintain and guarantee reliable and secure race starts.

We manufacture, deliver and install your stalls anywhere in the world, according to your needs. TEKIDÉ starting gates are available from 2 to 18 places.

team work

From our engineers who develop tailor-made solutions, to our installation teams who check equipment dozens of times, we are all extremely picky. And when something goes wrong, our racetrack teams are stubborn as mules. This is perhaps the secret of our success.  

the starting point

Here we are, the horses are positioned in their stalls, the stress of the jockeys is felt even in the stands, the racecourse is silent... and as always all the doors open at the same time. The reliability of our equipment is undoubtedly what opens the most doors for us at racetracks around the world.

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